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Pathways Student Placement Visit Planning Tool

Many of our Pathways users in schools arrange visits to the workplace for Work Experience and Structured Work Placements, and these are typically a shared responsibility amongst teachers at the school. The allocation of these placements often happens by looking at transport corridors and the vocation, and trying to string together visits that are easy to do in a single "run". 

The Pathways Visit Explorer is designed to make this process much easier by providing all the tools needed to quickly allocate and locate placements in one place.

  1. It's a single view of all the placements that can easily filter and sorted
  2. You can quickly view a Google Map of the placement's address to make evaluating visits much easier
  3. You can allocate a visiting teacher directly from the list without opening the placement

As visit runs are based on transport and building a run, the Google Map quick popup is especially useful as it provides a zoomable view so you can see it's area and roads: